Flight 93
Last night I did NOT watch the Bachelor. Somehow I found myself into the A and E movie Flight 93. It was too weird watching it. It all seemed so real again. I don't see how those who were a part (lost loved ones) of 9/11 were able to watch. It was a tear jerker for me so I just can't imagine being someone like Lisa Beamer. WOW!!! My hat goes off to the families left behind to pick up the pieces of their lives and try to carry on w/out their husbands, wives, children, siblings, or anyone they loved. I admire you for your strength!!! God bless you all!
Let's see..... I haven't had too much going on that I want to share. It seems like it has been a good year so far. I only hope it continues to be this good. February is finally upon us. I am thankful b/c that means that Spring is only about 6 short weeks away. You know what that means? Chickens will be hatching!!! Yep, new birth always comes about. Animals were getting their groove on in the winter.... .hee hee! Where you????? I don't kiss and tell so you will never know!!!
My parents are talking about coming to see me in April. Looks like I better make several appointments w/ my great ol' counselor. I need to book before they arrive and after their departure! I love them! I really do.... in my own weird way.
Before I close, I want to talk about my special friend! She is only more special everday. I don't know, it's all strange to me. Usually (I hope this doesn't scare her) I tend to get so close and then push away b/c of trust issues. Not the case w/ her. I don't know what it is. She is pretty amazing.
There is one thing that scares me. I am afraid that life will easily come between us. You know how that can happen so easily w/ friends. At some point, we will be in different places (not physically). I only hope that means she can help me through it and be thankful that hers have moved on successfully. She can then realize that she really was an amazing mother. I just can't imagine not knowing her. For those of you reading this, no, we aren't gay, we are just like sisters!!!! Only, I think she is MUCH better than a sister b/c we don't have that silent competition that sisters can sometimes have. I love you my precious friend!!!! Hugs and kisses to you!
Well, I am watching my two wonderful puppies play right now. They make me soooooo happy when it could have otherwise been a tough day. If you don't own a puppy, you need to! There is nothing like the unconditional love of a dog! It is great!
Well kids, I am off to listen to the end of the State of the Union! Oh Bush!
Tomorrow is HUMP day! Happy HUMP day.
You're hilarious. :) I'm in complete agreement that everyone should have a dog. I can't believe how much I love mine...it's actually kind of scary! PS: We need to catch up soon.
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