Still take the cup!!
I sense that the cup isn't going anywhere soon! I don't know, I just sense that it isn't.
I had a good day today. My run was nice but not as long as yesterday... 4 miles! The weather was a bit more warm and I was a bit more tired. Not usually a great combination!
However, I didn't see any snakes today. Yesterday I saw two. I don't love snakes. In fact, I HATE them.
You know... the best way sometimes to avoid issues is just to ignore them. That might not be exactly the healthiest way, but it sure seems easier at times. I couldn't help but just laugh parts of my day off today.
O.k~ I have to make a list again!
Things that frustrate Janell:
~ a really full belly (I have one right now)
~ babies that are out way to late at wal-mart
~ when ppl are really mean
~ clothes that are too tight and weren't last year or two years ago
~ ppl who aren't thankful for what you give them (talking about mother's day present)
~ Temperatures below 40
~ Temperatures above 100
Things that make Janell happy: (This list could go on and on)
~ Nice ppl
~ genuinely happy ppl
~ Sleepovers in fancy hotels (not that I frequent many of them)
~ Birthdays ; )
~ Suprising someone with a gift
~ Pregnant bellies
~ Propel
~ Swimming pools on a hot summer day
~ the sound of a sleeping baby
~ Best Friends ; )
~ New love
~ Puppies (wiener dogs in particular ~ two boys under one roof~ one red and one black)
~ hot showers
~ perfect baths
O.k.... the list is pretty much endless!
Well...... goodnight!!!