Thursday, March 30, 2006


Ever been so happy you don't know what to do about it?
I have a lot of friends right now who are in a great place in their lives! I feel as though I am too.

Lots of things make me happy:
Warm chocolate chip cookies right out of the oven
Girl Scout cookies
Playing piano and thinking of friends
Best Friends
My doggies
Cozy p.j.'s (or none at all).. hee hee!

I could go on and on but I won't.
I am just really happy for a lot of reasons. Even when I am tired (which is now), I still just find myself VERY happy! I want to really thank those ppl in my life who contribute to my happiness. You all should know exactly who you are ; )

Tomorrow is Friday! TGIF!
Oh, I love sleepovers too! ; )


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Did she have passion?

That is the question the Greeks want to know. No, really, it is. When you die and if you are Greek, the main question asked at your funeral or about your life is, "What was her passion?" Your passion is used to summarize your life.

I consider myself to be a VERY passionate person! If it is teaching, I am passionate. If it is running, I am passionate. If it is loving, I am passionate. I love many people in this world. Honestly, I have to say, if I really LOVE you, then I tend to love YOU passionately. That passion can be shown in a variety of ways. For example: gifts, cards, tight hugs, commitments, and other things.

I have a new passion these days. I wouldn't say it is new, but it is seriously being developed more. Passions are amazing. What is YOUR passion??

I want to make sure I feed this passion and nurture it in the way that it needs to be nurtured and loved. I can take this passion wherever I go in this world and be happy and comfortable. If you are like me, you think about your passions a lot and you take them w/ you EVERYWHERE you go ...even if it is only in your mind. I can never get them (it) out of my head. I long to develop all of my passions better.

Life is short and YOU are brilliant if you develop your passions in life. I feel strongly about being PASSIONATE about the things/people you love. We are only on this earth a few short years! To me, it is very imperative that you live out your passions and don't worry about being judged b/c of them.

I do believe that passions can be healthy/unhealthy. This particular passion I am speaking of tonight is a very healthy one. It is one of those passions that was somewhat of a God given surprise. I didn't know I loved it or was passionate about it until.... one day it hit me like a ton of bricks. I CAN'T LIVE W/OUT IT!!! Ever felt that way???

If you don't have a passion(s), then I highly recommend searching for whatever it is you may long for in your day-to-day life.

Here is how I hope my obituary (if I was Greek) would read:

Janell, an amazing teacher, runner, lover, and friend, died last night from complications of being too passionate. She was 30 years old. Her passions were fierce, but her soul light. This courageous young woman understood that situations did not happen b/c of coincidences. She clung to the belief that life is not merely a series of meaningless accidents but rather a tapestry of events that culminate in an exquisite divine plan. She, in many ways, was a changed woman b/c she lived out her passions.

Her reason of death is still not known. It might be possible to say that she died from loving too much.

She was able to love and be loved by all those who came in contact w/her. She strived only to love the way she wanted to BE loved. She believed that if we wanted to live in harmony w/ the universe, we must all posses a powerful amount of passion. Her passions were her destiny!
12/17/ - ???

Good night my friends! If you know me, I hope that I have shown you that I am a passionate person and long to love as I love to be loved.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Please hold!

Have you ever had someone answer the phone and all they say is "Please hold"? Frustrating isn't it! Before you know it a recorded voice comes back on the line and says, "all circuits are busy right now. Your call will be answered in the order that it was received." ( and how the hell do you know what order that is)? Before you know it, you have heard that voice perhaps 10 different times in a matter of 5 minutes, but nothing is getting accomplished. Is it frustrating? It can be!!! Especially if you are in a hurry and only feel like you have a short amount of time to get this question answered b/c you have to get back to your daily schedule. Hmmmm......

I can relate! I have been there. In fact, I am there now! PLEASE HOLD. Don't do ANYTHING you really enjoy. Don't teach full time, don't RUN, don't drink alcohol, and whatever you do, DON'T GET TOO STRESSED about it all!!! Hmm??? Just: Please Hold!!! It may take a few months or years but just try not to think about it. Keep yourself occupied but don't do any of the above. Sounds like simple steps to follow, but somehow you feel yourself getting impatient.

Do you ever feel like you want to yell at the person (even if it is a recording) on the other end of the phone? Of course you do! But then you realize they can't really fix it, they just tell you they will try to help you fix it. They offer you other 800 numbers to call, but each person tells you something different. You've been there! Haven't you?

If one more person says, "Please hold", meaning, let's just give it 2 more weeks and then we will try this.... or this... or we can wait 5 more weeks and see what happens. For some reason it is like the man in the commercial: he waits on hold forever and then finally gets a real person on the line. The train he is on goes through a tunnel and he looses service! YUP! That is exactly what it is like! He doesn't want to make that call again and go through WAITING on that LONG painful HOLD b/c when he gets a real voice, he might get disconnected AGAIN!!!!

If you are stresesed by this blog: JUST RELAX!!!!!!

Hee hee!!!! JUST RELAX... famous last words of the doctors and ignorant people!

Tomorrow is HUMP DAY... just relax... you are almost to Friday!
